Social Order of the Beauceant (SOOB)
Commandery and Beauceant, A Masonic Family
Sir Knight,
We are glad you have become a Knight Templar and would like to let you know a bit about our Social Order of the Beauceant. We hope you will share this brochure with your wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter and/or sister whom we would like to welcome into our Order.
The Social Order of the Beauceant is a ritualistic order with the theme of Faith, Loyalty, Love for God, the Order of Knights Templar and each other. Just as Knights Templar are known to be the only Christian arm of Masonry, so is Beauceant a Christian Masonic ladies group. Its ritual is beautiful, impressive, based on the New Testament, and allows us to have a deeper appreciation of Templarism.
Because Beauceant membership is just the wives, widows, mothers, sisters, daughters and granddaughters of Knights Templar or a Beauceant member, it has received the encouragement, good will and moral support of Sir Knights where ever established.
Each local Assembly of the Social Order of the Beauceant is chartered under the Supreme Assembly. There is no state Order.
There are only 31states that have any Assemblies. And there are only 71 Assemblies in the Nation. Ohio has 6 Assemblies and only Texas, with 18, has more. Eighteen states have just one Assembly. There is no Assembly south of Columbus with Findlay Assembly the closest to us.
Our members represent Sir Knights from several of the Commanderies in the 5th Division.
The Columbus Assembly meets the 2nd Saturday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00 PM at the Westerville Masonic Lodge, 130 S. State St., Westerville. This is the same time and place Columbus Commandery meets so we enjoy refreshments together before or after our meetings.
We sincerely hope you consider this our invitation to welcome one of your family to our Order.
For more information contact our Recorder:
(Mrs. James) Karen Baughman